Yet although the incidence of Rh isoimmunization has been decreasing because of prevention programs, the prevalence of blood groups other than Rh is becoming a more common cause of hemolytic diseases of the newborn (HDN). Anti-C and anti-E are the most commonly implicated non-D Rh antibodies in the pathogenesis of HDN. Anti M is a naturally occurring IgM antibody of the MNSs system that typically presented as a cold agglutinin. An IgG type can occur rarely and be associated with HDN. In this retrospective study we study all pregnancies managed between 1/2/1997 and 16/11/2004 in our Department. 7.864 blood samples were collected from pregnant women during their Şrst antenatal visit. In those samples two cases with anti-M and one case with anti-E antibody were found.
Case 1
At 14th week of gestation have been detected an alloantibody anti-M with indirect antiglobulin test titer 1:2. At 39th week was born a male of 3840gr with direct antiglobulin test negative. No anti-M antibody was detected.
Case 2
At 14th week of gestation have been detected an alloantibody anti-M with indirect antiglobulin test titer 1:8 rising at 32nd week in 1:16. Gave birth at 39th week in a male of 3350gr Direct antiglobulin test of newborn was slightly positive and an anti-M antibody was detected.
Case 3
At 34th week we detected anti-E antibody with titer 1:8 and at 36th week 1:16. Gave birth at 37,4th week in a male of 2650gr. Direct antiglobulin test of neonatal negative and blood group 0/CcDEe/(k-). The prevalence of anti-M isoimmu¬nization may be increasing. The incidence of severe hemolytic disease of the newborn due to anti-M and anti-E is extreme-ly low. If these antibodies are detected in pregnancy, the titer is low (no more than 1:4), and there is no history of prior pregnancy complications no further testing is needed other than an indirect antiglobulin test at 28 weeks to look for the emergence of other alloantibodies, otherwise serial titers should be performed.
Anahtar Kelimeler