To investigate the clinical characteristics of eclampsia during pregnancy and postpartum period and asses the morbidity, and mortality associated with eclampsia
Eighty-one patients who suffered from eclamptic seizures in our clinic between 2001-2003, were evaluated retrospectively.
There were 81cases of eclampsia among 6728 deliveries (1.2%). Half of the patients were primiparous. The medi-an gestational week of the patients was 32.5. The majority of the patients (70.4%) suffered their Şrst convulsion in their home. Most of the patients (58%) had only one convulsion, and 15 patients experienced more than three convulsions (18.5%). The convulsions occurred intrapartum, antepartum, and postpartum with a rate of 42%, 33.3%, and 24.7%, respec-tively. There were no signiŞcant differences in the severity of maternal complications and mortality, biochemical and haematological parameters except thrombocytopenia (p<0.05) between Group 1 patients who had convulsions during preg¬nancy, and Group 2 patients who had postpartum convulsions (p>0.5). The rate of cesarean delivery in Group 1 was higher than Group 2 (p<0.001). The rate of stillbirths and neonatal deaths was 13.6% and 14.8%, respectively. There were six maternal deaths (7.4%), and the rate of major complications was 35.8%.
Eclampsia is a life-threatening emergency that continues to be a major cause of serious maternal morbidity and is still the leading cause of maternal mortality. The antenatal care is still the most important method for preventing eclampsia and its complications.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Eclampsia,complications,perinatal outcome,maternal mortality