Twin pregnancy is a burden for pregnancy and delivery, thus it is necessary, apart from special supervision and determination of Apgar scores, to perform testing of fetal blood. PURPOSE OF INVESTIGATION is to determine the incidence of twin pregnancy during the three - year period, concomitant pathologies during pregnancy and delivery, as well as acid - base status of the twins.
Investigation included a group of women with twin pregnancy who underwent either vaginal or cesarean delivery during the three-year period with special attention paid to acid - base status.
During first investigated year, there were 80 pairs of twins ( 1,31%) delivered at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Novi Sad, in 1995 - 81 twins ( 1,22%) and in 1996, there were 70 pairs of twins ( 1.15% ). The fol-lowing concomitant pathologies have been recorded: PIH —-7.98%, incompetent cervices — 6.75%, cystitis — 6.52%, pyelonephritis — 0.61%.In the second investigated year, the term delivery was recorded in 60.71%, whereas the preterm in 39.29%. In the third investigated year, there were 61.67% term and 38.33% preterm deliveries and in 1996, there were 57.45% term and 42.55% preterm deliveries. Apgar score values were estimated at 1 and 5 minute and pH levels estimated for both twins as well as the values of Pa CO2 (kPa), BE (mEq/l), BB (mEq/l), HCO3 (mEq/l), Pa O2 (kPa), Satyr. O2 (%) - acid - base status.
The twin pregnancy being a high risk pregnancy requires intensive monitoring : of the course of pregnancy and labor, the proper choice of completition of the delivery, particularly in case of preterm labor as to avoid hypoxia, trauma and metabolic disorders and the consequent damage of organs and systems.
Anahtar Kelimeler