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Dergi Kimliği

Online ISSN

Yayın Dönemi
1993 - 2021

​Cihat Şen, ​Nicola Volpe

Daniel Rolnik, Mar Gil, Murat Yayla, Oluş Api

Analysıs of 47145 deliveries in a tertıary center: An epidemiological view

E. Çalışkan , N. Öztürk, B. Aykan, E. Öztürkoğlu, B. Dilbaz, S. Yalvaç, A. Haberal


Analysıs of 47145 deliveries in a tertıary center: An epidemiological view. Perinatoloji Dergisi 2002;10(3):197-197

Yazar Bilgileri

E. Çalışkan ,
N. Öztürk,
B. Aykan,
E. Öztürkoğlu,
B. Dilbaz,
S. Yalvaç,
A. Haberal

  1. SSK Ankara Maternity and women's Health Teaching Hospital - Ankara TR
Yayın Geçmişi
Çıkar Çakışması

Çıkar çakışması bulunmadığı belirtilmiştir.

O evaluate the incidence of perinatal complication.


Data of 47145 deliveries between 1 January 2000 and 1 January 2002 are presented in this retrospective study.


Among the analysed population 2.7% were 18 years old or under and 6.4% were 35 years old or over; 46.8% women were nulliparous and 0.6% were grand mulliparous. Abruption of placenta was diagnosed in 0.3% of the patients. Preterm premature rupture of the membranes occurred in 1.2% and premature rupture of the membranes in 19.1%. Among the fetuses 5.6% were premature, 9.1% postmature and 7.2% intrauterine growth restricted. Induction of labor was performed by oxytocin in 8.8% and misoprostol in 2.7%. Maternal anemia (Hb<10g/dl) was detected in 11.4% and thrombocytopenia (<100000/mm3) in 1.1% of the women. Among the fetuses 96.5% were vertex and 3-5% were non-ver-tex presentation. Uterine rupture occurred in three cases. Spontaneous vaginal delivery was achieved in 77.3%; episiotomy was performed in 74.2%. The cesarean rate was 22.7% and 90.3% of the patients received spinal anesthesia. Third and fourth degree perineal tears occurred in 0.6% of the cases. Uterine atony was detected in 2.2%, 19 bilateral hypogastric artery ligation. and 8 hysterectomies were performed. Analysis of the birth weight revealed that 1% were very low birth weight, 7.2% low birth weight, 4.8% macrosomic and 0.3% extreme maerosomic (>4500g) fetuses. in 0.3% cases shoulder dystocia and in 0.1% cases clavicular fracture occurred. Analysis of the puerperal complication demonstrate 0.23% episiotomy sutures break-down, 0.1% post-cesarean sutures break-down and 0.1% retention of the placenta.


 Steps to modernize obstetrics should be based on the analysis of the incidence and predisposing factors of complications in the target population.
Anahtar Kelimeler
