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Dergi Kimliği

Online ISSN

Yayın Dönemi
1993 - 2021

​Cihat Şen, ​Nicola Volpe

Daniel Rolnik, Mar Gil, Murat Yayla, Oluş Api

The years experıence of ıntravascular fetal transfusıons

D. Filimonovic, Z. Mikovic , M. Sindjic, V. Mandic , A. Hajric


The years experıence of ıntravascular fetal transfusıons. Perinatoloji Dergisi 2002;10(3):184-184

Yazar Bilgileri

D. Filimonovic1,
Z. Mikovic 1,
M. Sindjic2,
V. Mandic 1,
A. Hajric1

  1. Univer Ob-Gin Clinic "Narodni Front" - Belgrade YU
  2. Institute for Transfusiology - Belgrade YU
Yayın Geçmişi
Çıkar Çakışması

Çıkar çakışması bulunmadığı belirtilmiştir.


Due to Rh D prophylactics in pregnant woman incidence of Hemolytic Disease of Fetus has significantly decreased but some of most severe forms can still be noted. Since the first intrauterine intraperitoneal transfusion that was performed by Liley in 1963, up to today transfusion remains the only therapy in severe forms of disease. it is at the same time high risk procedure, regardless to advanced technieal possibilities (ultrasound devices, high quality needles, professional education, and rigit criteria). At the Univ. Ob-Gin. Clinic "Narodni Front" in Belgrade, intrauterine intravascular tranfusion was introduced in 1992 yr. And is a routine therapy today. Aim of our presentation is to review ten years experience in intrauterine intravascular transfusion technique in treatment ot Hemolytic disease of tetus.

In 156 cases of pregnancies with alloantibody to red blood cells present in circulation, Hemolytic disease of fetus was diagnosed according to present indications to prenatal diagnostics and criteria for evaluation of degree of fetal anemia. Data were statistically processed.


According to obtained clata, in 27 pregnant women 76 intravascular intrauterine transfu.sions were pertormed. Total fetal loss was 11,11% (3), all in most severe forms of disease with present fetal hydrops, and all in smallest gestational age of fetuses (19,20 and 21 week of gestation).


Regardless to the high risk of procedure and inereased risk of sensibilisation, intrauterine intravascular transfusions remain the only method of treatment of Hemolytic disease of fetus. indications for such treatment should be in accordance of present criteria and adequate selection of patients. Highly educated personal and adequate technical equipment give chance to most endangered fetuses and therefore high risk is acceptable.
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