Of all health statistics mentioned by World Health Organization (WHO), maternal mortality is the unique one showing the largest diserepancy between developed and developing countries. Approximalely 90% of malernal deaths (more than 0.5 million) occur in developing countries each year. During the last century, almost all countries have accepted antenatal care principles. However, insufficiency of the resources and lack of women's compliance were the main handicaps in developing countries compelling these countries to apply various Standard programs. Unfortunately, these programs are not effective enough in preventing and treating maternal mortality. Both fixing the number (quantity) of antenatal visits and static approach affect the "quality" of antenatal care.
Bleeding, chronic anemia, hypertensive disorders, obstructed labor and infections are the main affecting factors in maternal mortality. The majority of these factors are preventable. it is important to suspect any of these factors and to perform prompt interventions cluring antenatal care, and immediately after delivery. The way reaching this solution is to realize evidence-based approach. Nowadays, WHO is developing an intervenlion package, called the "Integrated Management of Pregnancy and Childbirth" (IMPAC), to summarize all evidence-based activitie.s with the a im of reducing maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity.
Antenatal care is a concept extending from pre pregnancy to postpartum, leading to effective emeıgency care for unpredictable and predictable complications during pregnancy and childbirth. Worldwide policies are not always available for each country, coercing national policies. There is still need to prospective randomized trials to clarify this concept and relevant policies.
Anahtar Kelimeler