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Dergi Kimliği

Online ISSN

Yayın Dönemi
1993 - 2021

​Cihat Şen, ​Nicola Volpe

Daniel Rolnik, Mar Gil, Murat Yayla, Oluş Api

Management of multiple pregnancy: Application to developing countries

Isaac Blickstein


Management of multiple pregnancy: Application to developing countries. Perinatoloji Dergisi 2002;10(3):146-146

Yazar Bilgileri

Isaac Blickstein

  1. Kaplan Medical Center - Rehovot IL
Yazışma Adresi

Isaac Blickstein, Kaplan Medical Center - Rehovot IL,

Yayın Geçmişi
Çıkar Çakışması

Çıkar çakışması bulunmadığı belirtilmiştir.

Multiple pregnancies (MP) are at high risk for adverse perinatal outcome. The following objectives seem to be important in the management of MP and are applicable for developing countries. Keeping in mind these objectives may reduce perinatal and maternal morbidity and mortality.
1. Early diagnosis of MP is essential for a successful follovv up. This can be done by clinical and sonographic means.
2. Physicians who are specialized in obstetric çare should do pregnancy follow up.
3. Diagnosis of chorionicity by simple sonographic means is of central importance.
4. Çare for the mother having a MP should incinde liberal work leaves and reduced physical activity.
5. Complications occurring more frecıuently in MP (PET, anemia, PTD, ete.) should be looked for.
6. Frequent assessment of cervical status towards the end of the second trimester may help recognizing impending preterm birth.
7. Transport of high-risk patients to secondary or tertiary centers should be available.
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