Perinatal health care comprises care, education, consultation, practice and research which aim the physical, psycho-social harmony and wellbeing of the pregnant, lying-in woman and the newborn together with the family. It is multidisciplinary service area in contemporary medicine and can be widened to professions like doctor, nurse/midwife, psychologist, biologist, social sendee specialist, genetic consultant, dietitian and physiotherapist.
Basic problems in perinatal medicine
•The Controlling of prolificacy
•The genetical and medical conditions for the healthy beginning to life
•The observation and management of the pregnancy and birth
•The care of the mother and the newborn in the post-partum period
•The improvement of the demographic, economic and educational performances
The problems faced in perinatal medicine in Turkey when the official performance and research results are inspected (TNSA 1998, UN1CEF 2001)
•The number of women who don't want another child 70%
•The rate of unwanted pregnancies 19%
•The rate of contraceptives among married women 64%
•The use of effecctive contraception 37%
•The use of Withdrawal 24%
•The rate of total prolificacy 2.6%
•The rate of population growth 1.47%
•Maternal Mortality Kate (MMR) has fallen to 42.2% in a hundered thousand 30% bleedings, 15.5% toxemia, 9.6% infections, 4% complications of abortus.
•Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) has fallen to 38 in a thousand.
•Death under the age of 5 is 48 in a thousand (Turkey is in the 77 th place in the world)
The Targets of "Health to Everybody in Turkey" (Ministry of Health 2001)
Until 2020
•To decrease (IMR) below 20 in a thousand
•To decrease death under the age of 1 below 30 in a thousand
•T o decrease LBW rate by 20%
•To increase antenatal care to 100%
•To decrease (MMR) by 50%
•To increase effective use of contraceptives to 70%
When the perinatal problems in Turkey are investigated, it can be seen that is possible to overcome the problems and the aims arc possible to be reached. In solving these problems the personnel having the most effective role are the nurses and midwives. The developed countries have cany out effective policies in the mother and child health since 1930's and have educated nurses and midwives.
Parallel to the changes and trends in general health care in the 21 th century the role of nurses and midwives have changed and widened. It was wanted from the nurses and midwives, who will plays a key role in perinatal medicine in the modern health care, to be specialized, to gain the abilities lo critical thinking, to give desicions and the solve problems. The care plans are being applied according to the standarts developed and an influence is given to the quality control and accreditation studies, increased Mcloney defended that the nurse practitioners were useful in chronic illnesses, search of physical health, specialized care, counselling, research, care of newborn and rehabilitation.
The problem is related to the distribution of the doctors, nurses and midwives among the regions, being unbalanced in Turkey more than the insufficiency in the number of the health associations and the health personnel. The characteristics of the cities and provinces are not being taken in consideration for the distribution.
Anahtar Kelimeler